thumbs... mods view

  1. 17,909 Posts.
    This was posted on feedback by a mod
    Needs a run on the politics forum IMO
    All the posters who are not and see where the problem was

    The thumb topic is under control here, and we are monitoring it.

    Why were they introduced?
    The reason was so that top rated posts which could be deemed helpful and/or interesting by the rank and file could be easily found and viewed.
    That being the case the decision to take thumbs away from the political forum was the correct one. However, like most things, once you give something and then take it away some will feel affronted and question if their civil liberties or freedom of expression has been modified without their consent ergo the whining atm.
    I believe the thumbs on politics is not required as it adds zero to the debate or discussion. (Favourite and ignored posts will highlight the people you want to find quickly)

    We know it wasn't being used in the spirit of which it was intended, and a particularly nasty bunch of posts caused the loss of them when generic emails started being posted that made us wonder why more right wingers didn't vote for Pauline Hanson, as it was her opinion being echoed and thumbed up by many.

    Anyway, we will be monitoring content and can reintroduce the thumbs without them being in the top rating posts, but it will depend on post content over the next couple of weeks.
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