why do women want to be men?, page-185

  1. 12,085 Posts.
    "The one thing that annoys me though, is those stupid laws enforced on businesses whereby they have to employ a certain percentage of women. Did that ever come into effect?"
    Maybe in the US it's all about quotas, not in here. Australia's system is all about removing systemic discrimination, and selection on merit. We have The Affirmative Action Act 1986 administered by the Affirmative Action Agency. You are correct that it's enforced on businesses. If you employ over 100 employees you're required to set up a programme and provide annual reports or you're ineligible for Gov contracts and other forms of industry assistance. Not sure if you can say stuff your contracts etc and not implement a programme. I don't think so. Plus, other contractors may avoid doing business with you!
    The main aim of the act is to make sure recruitment, selection and promotion will be based on merit without regards for such factors as sex or marital status. It's about opening up career paths and making the best use of talents, skills and abilities of the workforce.
    Some quick research revealed some interesting points.
    Frontline combat females have some advantages over men. The US even has special units as a result. Iraqi and Afghani civilians are often not intimidated by female soldiers. This allows searches on females and segregated Mosques causing less offense to the civilians. Units are used heavily on the borders.
    Flipside, Islamic militants rarely, if ever, surrender to female soldiers. In modern warfare intelligence is perhaps more important than enemy casualties and every factor reducing combatants willingness to fight is considered.
    Wounded females can have an impact males. They may be unwilling to avoid combat or abandon a mission due to an uncontrollable protective instinct. Israeli Defense Force studies show you can programme a man to kill but not abandon a female in combat.
    Female skeletal system is less dense, more prone to breakages. Female soldiers on average are shorter and smaller than men with 45/50% less upper body strength and 35-30% less aerobic capability- essentially less endurance. Some women have the attributes.
    Menstruation does debilitate most women.
    Aerial combat may be a woman's domain guys. Women can handle the G G Forces better. They are less likely to blackout due to shorter vessel routes in the neck.
    Being captured, tortured and sexually assaulted is acceptable and not a big deal. In light of everything that's going on that would be a low priority on the list - Rhonda Cornum, then a major and flight surgeon, was an Iraqi POW in 1991 - she said the above.
    The examination goes on and on from sleeping arrangements on submarines versus aircraft carriers, whether women will try to gain acceptance(no make up, short hair, wear pants etc) when in reality there are times and places where it's allowed and appropriate. The psychology of women and men interacting and how that can effect the result in the battle field and in particular when a mission goes pear shaped.
    Anyone who thinks it's all about being equal, chauvinistic or what ever, has missed the point. Men and women have different and similar attributes to offer. All egos aside, those attributes have to be delegated to the appropriate area in the military.
    No offense to any men who want to be a Top Gun, women are better. And to women who want to be Rambo, men are better.
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