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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    Hi jn,

    I accept and appreciate your opinion and also understand I only represent the minority on this subject however government funded tests do very little to sway my opinion.

    Firstly, it is not uncommon for Governments to only offer funding to those scientists whom they can rely on to provide results towards favoring their own agenda.

    The ongoing man-made global warming hoax is but only one perfect example of this corrupted government driven agenda.

    Another point to add which has also been well documented is that Laetrile therapy post chemotherapy treatment will deem it ineffective because of the damage already imposed on the patience. This Government funded example even acknowledges that 2 thirds of their patients had already been through chemo...?

    "If you believe that the pharmaceutical/bio-tech industry is so horrible as to deny the world an effective free cure for cancer, why have you supported this by investing your money in a bio-tech company that is part of this conspiracy?"

    Even in todays highly advanced world of technology we have we have yet to find another preventative cure since polio... Of course the giant pharma's (who heavily fund the Government run FDA's of this world) will continue to deny us the freedom of good health)

    Many renowned researchers and doctors from all across the world have come to this very conclusion. Consider the following: a chronic disease is one that does not go away on its own. A metabolic disease is one that occurs from within the body and is not transmittable to another person. Cancer is therefore a chronic, metabolic disease. In the entire history of medical science, there has not been a single chronic, metabolic disease that was ever cured or prevented by drugs or surgery. In every case -- whether it be scurvy, pellagra, rickets, or any of the others, the cure was found only in factors relating to adequate nutrition, usually a very specific vitamin deficiency.

    Expensive therapy treatments to extend the lives of our suffering loved ones is the only intention of these money hungry corporations

    A simple non-expensive, non-patented vitamin to cure the world of diseases would simply destroy every single one of them, leave millions of people jobless and create a world recession.

    Why do I support Prima Biomed?

    If we'd argued 10 years ago a treatment which stimulates the immune system with a persons own cells will effectively fight cancer without the use of toxic chemicals you might have offered the same argument.

    However this form of therapy has also been suppressed by Governments and their sponsors in the big pharma's for 117 years, ever since Dr William Coley in who pioneered in the year 1893 the use bacterial injections.

    You will also find this documented in many cancer conspiracy documents.

    It was less than only one year ago that the world was left stunned, not by the highly successful results of Dendreons Provenge treatment, but more so by the fact that the FDA finally succumbed under much public pressure to overturn their original corruptly driven decision to fail it.

    May I suggest some reading material for you also:

    World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17 by G. Edward Griffin

    Cancer Wars: How Politics Shapes What We Know and Don't Know About Cancer by Robert N. Proctor

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