Ridge - A Basic History of Zionism and its Relatio, page-19

  1. 672 Posts.
    re: A Basic History of Zionism and its Relation to Yak says:

    Why is it that the extremist RELIGIOUS militant actions that seem to occur in Pakistan and India DONT FUEL ANYTHING anywhere else!!!!????


    Why is that??

    It does, but to a much lesser extent. The religous schisms in Kashmir and elsewhere do not inflame worldwide opinion as much as the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. Why? The middle east is an area of immense significance to people of three of the worlds greatest religions. What happens there will inevitably be more prominent than what happens in Kashmir. The immoral occupation of Palestine is Bin Ladens best recruiting tool, to the long term cost of us all. The sooner Israel withdraws, the sooner the damage can begin to be repaired.

    Doesnt that make you even start to wonder as to the real reasoning behind this crap???
    Of course it does. That was the purpose of my post. Why did so many innocent people die in Bali? Finally we can begin to see the 'reasoning' behind this outrage and it isn't pretty. The injustice in Palestine and the lack of action by the west is building up a terrible groundswell of anti Western sentiment among the 20% of the worlds population following the muslim faith. A trend with dire long term implications given the increasing accessability of weapons of mass destruction.
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