Ridge - A Basic History of Zionism and its Relatio, page-22

  1. 840 Posts.
    re: A Basic History of Zionism and its Relation to
    Yak's dissection of Hanna Braun's article was far more 'charitable' towards her than "John" was in his reply on the following forum.

    (note Hanna's email addy should anyone wish to contact her)


    by Hanna Braun • Monday April 01, 2002 at 02:42 PM
    [email protected]

    To the idiot who asks internationals to protect people in Tel-Aviv: can you really not see thar Israelis are not under occupation, Neither do they have curfews, electricity cuts, roadblocks or tanks in their streets. It must have dawned to the most naive by now that however horrendous suicide bombings are, they are a direct result of the brutal occupation.
    Get out of the occupied territories if you want things to calm down! the only problem is that Sharon doesn't want a calm situation; he thrives on violence.
    Internationals and Palestinians, we all think of you and admire your forbearance.


    ISrael in in the right
    by John • Monday April 01, 2002 at 03:12 PM

    Hana Braun...are you any relation to Eva...Hitler's mistress. Haven't you Germans already had a pretty good attempt at trying to annihiliate the Jewish people in the Holocaust. Now it appears, you Germans are trying to aid and abet the Palestiinans in the same purpose today. The agenda of the Palestinians is not a noble cause. They do no seek "freedom" or their "rights". If they did then they would have accepted the very generous offer of statehood made to them by the previous Israel government under Ehud Barak. The Palestinians were offered 97% of westbank, all of gaza, a shared Jerusalem and solution to the refugee issue. This the Palestinians rejected out of hand and in stead launched a terrorist genocidal war of aggression against the Israeli people.

    The intifada is not about "occupation". The Palestinians were committing terrorist atrocities well before they could ever allege that land had been "occupied". In 1929, the Palestinians butchered the Jewish population of Hebron. The same thing happened in 1921. The Arabs were committing the same acts of wanton terrorism even before the Israelis established their state in 1948. In 1964, Arafat created the PLO whose avowed aims are the complete destruction of Israel, the insistance that armed violence is the only legitimate means of achieving this aim and that negotiation is invalid. This is in 1964 ie before the six day war of 1967.

    The real truth is that the root cause of the Arab Israeli conflict is Palestinian Brutality and Barbaism. Any minor infringements the Palestinians suffer or any loss of land is the direct cause of their refusal to permit a Jewish presence in the region!

    By the way, the Westbank area is not "occupied" it is merely "disputed"! The Jews have a very valid claim to live there stretching back into antiquity. The "Westbank" areas of Judea and Samaria represent the cradle of Jewish culture and are littered with Jewish sacred sites and places of veneration. The Arabs simply want to denie this very real Jewish affiliation to the area. The Arabs want to rewrite history by obliterating the Jewish claims to the area. This is why at the start of the Intifada, the Palestinians descrated the sacred site of Joseph's Tomb on the "westbank".


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