osama is not dead, page-54

  1. 8,606 Posts.
    If you tick all the boxes that satisfy your conscience in killing someone
    - ie, look at the boxes that the world ticked before rallying en mass to kill Saddam and Bin Laden

    The USA also fits the criteria.

    Am i happy Bin Laden is dead?

    Happy is not the word, but yes, the world is best off without him.
    BUT, seeing as Bush, clinton and other world leaders ALSO fit eh same criteria, then why should i not ask for the thinkers of the world to follow suit and also put a bounty on their heads?

    ^The only difference in your opinion on this can be what side you are on.
    If you agree with and justify endging the life of:
    anyone who has given an order to kill,
    anyone who has killed innocents and destroyed lives/cities/economies/cultures with bullets and bombs...
    ...anyone who has ordered the tortured of a person and THEN killed them...
    then you should also recognise ALL the people/world leaders who have done this.
    - Oherwise you are turning a blind eye and playing teams. Nothing more. sad when lkives are involved. And that is shallow indeed. We don;t teach our kids to do this on purpose. We do not teach our kids to take an eye for an eye when a life is involved. What we push on a neighbourhood level, around our tables, at our workplaces, in our government morals (nationally) - we treat with disdain on a global level.

    Why should it be any different on a global level to what it is in our loungerooms and backyards?

    Pathetic and Sad.

    And so for me, our world seems to hold more emptiness than substance in my mind today.

    RIP Bin Laden, you deserved to not be her just as much as the others who have not been taken to task for their crimes against humanity.
    You all suck IMO, but the history writers will never have to face that mirror and i am lost as to why.

    One thing is for sure, OBL's followers want their mass murderering Nemesi dead too, just like we did.

    Anmd the pathetic cycle continues, for your Grandchildren and mine...get ready for it and don't forget to aim and fire.


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