Ridge - A Basic History of Zionism and its Relatio, page-23

  1. 672 Posts.
    re: A Basic History of Zionism and its Relation to It seems to me the rest of the world who wants an end to it all simply sees the conflict as you and many others do and are willing to sacrifice the Jews and Israel if that's what eventuates
    Not at all. It's in Israels best interests to have enduring peace in the region. The current situation is hardly condusive to Israels long term security.

    I've lost count of the times I and others have made the point that if israel gives up all that has been asked and the Arabs hold to their view that the conflict is ONLY over when Israel is eradicated, it seems the rest of the world is accepting this as collateral damage and the price of peace.
    Not true. Saudi Arabia has a peace plan on the table. Withdraw from the territories and the Arab governments will all sign peace treaties and recognize Israels rights to exist. Sharon has ignored the offer. Why? He has no interest in peace. Sharon has always promoted a greater Israel.

    And the Paki/Iindian stuff SHOULD be as high on the agenda as is the MEeast.
    True. Casualties are higher in this conflict.

    So ya wonder why Jews wonder why their issues are always Soooooo high on the list of things that have to be corrected? Here's my paranoia - thats 'cause Jews have always been the target; the scapegoat; the easy mark and the world either doesnt like or cant get used to this Jewish mind-set of "not" turning the other cheek. Man...we is plumb outta cheeks!! How dare you...they cry!!! Get back in line!! Roll over and play dead. Aint gonna happen again. Ever.
    Does having 20% of the worlds population despising Israel make it safer? No way. If Sharons homicidal policies continue it is inevitable that Israel will be subject to a chemical, biological or nuclear attack. Israels best hope is to accept the Saudi peace plan and withdraw from the occupied territories in exchange for peace treaties with all its neighbours. This would defuse tensions in the region. Perhaps with time Israel would become an economic hub in a revitalized region. The muslim fanatics would turn their attention to Chechnya, Kashmir and elsewhere.
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