whooping cough epidemic, page-70

  1. 517 Posts.

    great post.......My faith in humanity has been restored!!!!

    There are people that think. Oh did I not see you on the silver sight? hahahaha

    I have two boys neither have had a single shot! And they never will.

    As you said it is a choice! However big pharma and the US govt(I live int he states) are trying to shove it down everyones throats. As of now we still have a medical,phiklosophical, or religious waiver.....

    I see kids every month in my office damaged by vaccines, yet somehow all the research show no link! And everythign that comes up that shows problems with vaccines is either slandered, held under water or construed as junk science.

    I recently attended a seminar where a doctor got up and gave a presentation. He talked about this internet site where 385 000 people wayed in on the vaccine debate. Out of those 385 000 people 60 percent were against vaccines.
    Now for the interesting part, 85 percent that were against it were college or above educated! Not that having degreees next to your name always means you have common sense but interesting noethe less.

    I beleive we are in the midst of a worldwide revolution taking place with INFORMATION. SOME of the people are waking up and taking to the internet to post infomrative dialogue on issues that have been clouded by corporate and governmental collusion. They are losing their grip on controlling what info gets to the poeple. You just saw two countries overthrown by the power of the internet. The abil.ity to disseminate information to massive amounts of people in small portions of time. I believe in time the same thing will topple most of the big corporate control on the poeple. There will always be those taht are too stupid to htink for themselves and will only join the train after it has left the station. Sounds like the market eh? But thank go d for them otherwise it would be difficult to make money trading!!!!

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