AYN alcyone resources ltd

12c barrier, page-11

  1. 13,419 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4081
    AYN will be judged by its profit performance which of course depends on silver price and production costs. Both will go up in the long term as labour,energy and material as well as development / exploration costs will rise.

    The good thing is that currently silver doesn't cost much compared to gold and that therefore huge % gains are still to be made in the near future.

    And like all resources, the world consumes more than it is found. There will be a shortage in the LT of everything as it will become harder and more expansive to produce.

    Unless current materials get replaced by a new stuff that costs close to nothing.

    I am not worried about the future of any good resource stock, just about how to get in as low as possible. And I think that's the major concern of the most people holding / buying AYN.

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Currently unlisted public company.

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