easter/crucifixion -myth,magic,lies???, page-18

  1. 1,565 Posts.
    re: easter/crucifixion briter/nazareth whether a book is a bestseller or not, is no proof of its value. take the Kinsey Report or Joys of Sex, these too are among bestsellers of all time. so was Salmon Rushdie's satanic verses, why did they buy that one (not one in a hundred people was able to even work their way thru)? answer: the fatwah, threat of death. what better publicity can a writer hope to get?

    the bible is full of sex: from early on when the boys catch dad exposing himself (Genesis 9) to where king David has it off with the wife of a loyal soldier (whom he sends off on a suicide mission so he won't be any trouble) what more do you want? no wonder it's a been a best-seller. only nowadays one would wish for more explicit language, is the only thing. and more hollywood-type intrigue. enter the da vinci code & mel gibson's hate-inspired outburst & other likewise idiotic garbage. fertile ground for racial hate. the amusing side of it: in many parts of the world it's the very same christians who proudly initiated the auto-da-fe's of the middle ages & the pogroms in russia & poland who are now at the receiving end of persecution. tut-tut, not right is it?

    You know what you guys are? Idolators (look it up). the idea of One Almighty God - invisible & indivisibile & unadorned by childish tokens, morbid or otherwise - is beyond your comprehension.

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