future of manufacturing, page-11

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    no 123 -

    this was a private dinner party converation which Hadley told listeners about - with no ID of company.

    You say -

    "This manufacturer has no idea yet how much the carbon tax will impact his business.

    How could he have possibly done any calculations .. which of his inputs would be affected?"

    Excatly 123! If Gillard and Sir His Higness Garnaut (IEL) (I'm economically literate) still haven't a clue, throwing darts at a price per tonne chart, businesses still have to struggle on with some axe hanging over their head about stupid and baseless unknowns! How can you run a viable business with such question marks - and with a Government who are beholden to Green idiots, who have probably never even run a tuck shop in their lives.

    Worse, a tax brought in right over voter's heads. " " the voters, Labor/Greens have said. Middle fingers raised. To deprive voters of this democratic right is the ultimate in disrespect, a sneer at the public, and an appalling example of the stirring beginnngs of any dictatorship.

    Have you ever run a business 123, with respect?

    IS there ANYTHING which the Right side of politics does which actually meets with any of your approval?

    Or any Labor policies you would question - or deplore?

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