PEN 2.02% 9.7¢ peninsula energy limited

announcement frenzy!, page-56

  1. 13,367 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 16
    Just to follow up on my last post. If Gus told anything other than what he believed factual in the BRR interview, I personally extremely surprised.

    Fair to state I know him reasonably well after the last 4 years, and not once has he ever "gilded the lilly". If anything he has understated what has now occurred. He states it as it is and I have found him to be nothing but intelligent, a very savvy businessman and honest to the core.

    Yes if he was in possession of "complete" information, such as a finalised DFS, and the results weren't released to the market, then his comments on BRR would be the totally wrong thing to do.

    However having now been involved in large project feasibility studies for quite some time. I know for a fact he could know the general outcome PRIOR to the release of the DFS. Constant client updates and reports (normally monthly and/or weekly) are provided. However although he may know the outcome in a general sense if it isn't completed it can't be released to market. In fact incompetent to do so.

    Likewise they may well be very close to signing off deals that are reliant on other information. Again they can't release this until they know the outcome. If they know it before market release then they have to go into a trade halt until the release. IMO I believe we may just see that occur and it wouldn't surprise me at all if it did.

    There is nothing wrong with him saying positive news is coming, he isn't lying nor giving out sensitive data, so not in breach of anything. If the news flow came out negative however he would lose all credibility after being so upbeat and positive, and may even be questioned over his comments.

    This person is no fool, of that I am certain. IMO there is no way he would ever consider making a positive statement as he did publicly on BRR if he didn't believe it to be factual.

    If a speculative short term trader bought shares, based only on those statements in the hope of a quick gain, then who is at fault? Not Gus that is for certain.

    If I am proven wrong from my statements above I won't be posting here any longer, as I would have sold all of my holdings.

    Again IMO, I believe I won't have any reason to do so and Gus once again will be proven both an astute MD and honourable person. A person that once told me PEN is trying to build wealth for ALL shareholders, not as in some companies purely for the elite few.

    It is potentially a watershed not only for me but others here. If the news is as expected, I personally expect to see a flood of support come in for PEN between release and first production.

    Provided fundamentally PEN is moving positively I won't be going anywhere for some time yet. Short term SP movements on very low volume still do not faze me one bit.

    One thing is for certain I have found the PEN journey to date a very interesting learning curve as to market sentiment and individuals reactions both when PEN moves positively and when it stays is is currently. As I have found both interesting and bemusing as to why people come on here telling total untruths for whatever reason, and we have had many of those on the PEN threads especially this last 2 years.

    The journey isn't over yet!

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