carbon tax - 1st casualty of war is the truth, page-18

  1. 93 Posts.

    "Silly me,it's only a tax grab"


    If you were designing a tax for the masses what better way to do it:

    Scare them about the need to "act on climate change" now. Scare them by connecting recent bad weather with climate change to make it more real to them

    warn them of rising sea levels that will "flood their coastlines and kill both coral reefs and polar bears"...

    Generally try to make them as scared and guilty as possible about the "selfishness" they are showing to future generations by not paying the tax today...

    Offer them 50% of the tax back as "compensation" for the costs businesses WILL have to pass onto consumers - so generous.

    Absolutely brilliant!

    But i hope their brilliance is not rewarded...

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