monckton wipes the floor with dennis, page-125

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    "The denialist banner is woven into a fabric of deception. Lord Monckton is a master when he waves the denialist flag of dishonesty. He may be convincing but so too are many charlatans. However eruditely he flowers his prose, his lies remain lies."

    You need to catch up with the real world, not the hysterical AGW cultist's world of fantasy-land where the truthful ones are portrayed as liars and the liars masquerade as the truthful ones...

    Have a look at the climategate emails and see how your AGW scammers and fellow AGW cultists have been lying to you...

    Unfortunately your AGW scam and cult is built on a tissue of lies for a socialist political agenda and to keep a funding gravy train rolling for those on the take...

    They say that there is a fool born every minute and you are proving the adage to be true...

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