third world america 2011: , page-39

  1. 1,616 Posts.
    Good points.

    We do no live in a democracy.
    People are told we do because we can 'choose' to vote.

    The reality is, we are forced to vote.
    The majority of the public are strongly influenced by the media, hence who own's the media (Rupert Murdoch) can control who is elected.

    Murdoch wants Liberal in power.
    Now before anyone gets all left and right wing, I am only saying this to expose the control of the media. I once worked for Group M media (world's largest media agency)...there is so much propaganda out there it would blow tour mind if you saw what I have.

    Here's a sneak peak.

    Go to the herald sun website (or any other Murdoch owned news website).
    Look up any Rupert Murdoch, Tony Abbott or Liberal article. Now scroll to the bottom and see that you can't post any comments.

    Now look up a Labor or Julia Gillard can write whatever you want (after they check it off first).

    Murdoch is painting only one half of the picture...the part he wants the public to see. It's not for the greater good but for his own wealth.
    As was the same with the media campaigns run by Rineheart and Twiggy to stop mining tax. These people don't care about Joe Bloe...they're just doing it so they make $2b instead of $1.5b for the year.

    I'm not saying you have to agree with mining tax, carbon tax, Liberal or Labor...but understand how media works and the sheep effect.

    Having been back of house in many media empires I can tell you these rigged 'opinion polls' are used to generate the sheep effect.
    It's all agenda driven.

    Common people argue left or right wing...whilst the elite cherry pick whoever suits them at the time.

    Murdoch once helped get Labor in power because it benefited him the most, now it benefits him most to get Liberal in power.
    If his empire isn't broken up we'll continue to see this manipulation.
    Most people aren't even aware of it.
    I bet no one here knew about what I just told you about not being able to post on Murdoch or Liberal articles but can on Labor articles.
    That is just the tip of the iceberg.
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