ESG 0.00% 86.5¢ eastern star gas limited

not selling, page-3

  1. 1,215 Posts.

    I have held 700000 for the last 7 years and have played the stock with another parcel my wife holds. I will not sell until the end and even then I may just get rid of half and convert the rest if we are stuck with STO. I believe there will be an increase in the offer after reserves if not a secondary bidder. Either way I am looking for $1.50 minimum for my shares.

    It is funny but for me it is almost as bad as losing a beloved pet with respects to ESG. I have many other stocks and they all have done well for me but ESG is almost family *8-).

    It will be very weird not holding stock in this company. I know you should not grow attached to a stock but it was a good run with ESG and it has made me and my family very happy over the years. Even though this offer has not but like I have said before there are games a foot and I believe there is a lot more to come around the corner before the Eastern Star Gas Name is retired.

    Good Luck All

    Kind Regards
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Currently unlisted public company.

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