IMM 0.00% 33.0¢ immutep limited

top up opportunity - technical counsel. , page-3

  1. 1,182 Posts.
    philbar, your change in sentiment is actually quite amusing. From ramping being one of HC's PRR fanboys to being a doomsayer in literally a day or so. Not having a go at you mate, always appreciated your input - but Has anything really changed that much apart from this rather ridiculous sell out?
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Mkt cap ! $480.3M
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32.5¢ 34.0¢ 32.5¢ $862.8K 2.622M

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4 87534 32.5¢

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33.0¢ 4903 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 24/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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