i read this and felt ashamed, page-6

  1. 4,271 Posts.
    What a brilliant piece of writing!
    The notion that we might owe our Democracy and freedom because of the work of peace activist, of course, will not occur to the militarists, simply because id doesn't involve killing. Nor does it involve doing the "hard yakka" of driving tanks or flying "highly sophisticated" jets, sending off "smart bombs" and other flashy whizz-boomery! Now THAT stuff attracts attention, awe, applause, erections (elections to madmax) ratings in every form of media, shock jockery and politico-military buffonery! Good stuff!
    It also, of course attracts enormous fear which is whipped up in huge doses by the same politico-military buffoonery (couldn't fit in "religious" in that compound adjective) and the same media who just lust after such catastrophies.
    It's a pornographer's view of what the world needs but, unfortunately, porn is one of the most sold products around the "West." Porn and Guns! Same thing ey?

    Who cares about concepts like justice, virtue, equality, social harmony, peace even? Who cares about what birds sound like in the morning, at Dawn? In the city? In the bush? Let's see another of OUR jets fly across the night sky (preferrably) and sh it out some of those "smart bombs!" I bet there are people who were thoroughly pi ssed off at the thought that someone went and invented these bloody things. The "Dumb" ones were better. They could kill more!
    Ah, well, we'll just have to let a few more million daizy cutters and paint them all the colour of food parcels, ey? Make the kids think they're lollies. Wouldn't that be fun to watch?

    Jacko, you're disgusted about someone who is spitting at your generals? Really?
    I can assure you I'm far more disgusted at some wanna be general spat at someone who tried to save lives. And, in case you were ignorant of this little fact, Jacko, there were a hell of a lot more people -Actors, Politicians and STUDENTS, bless them, who were right behind her! Some of whom had lost their lives in trying to save the lives of "our boys!"
    And who are these "boys?"
    Are not the rest of the "boys" back home, boys also? Why did not these morons try to help them? No, instead they decided -under that disgusting clown, Nixon- to shoot them as well.

    Jacko, begin to get disgusted with war mongers not with peace lovers. And if this pleasant disease will spread, then, who knows? We just might reduce war by a day or two, by a thousand or two less deaths.
    But in spite of what the gun tooting idiots in here and out there will tell you, it would be worth it.
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