gallipoli and turkey

  1. 3,816 Posts.
    Gallipoli arguably played a greater role in the formation of modern Turkey than modern Australia. There is plenty of history about this on the web free for the taking. I believe that there should be some respect for their sovereignty if they decide to build a road. After all, the population is now about 70 million, compared to ~10 million at the time of the gallipoli landing. Such an increase necessitates the construction of infrastructure, and similar stuff happens here. eg Joh, that great upstanding christian, and the drilling of the Great Barrier Reef.

    I like to think of what those brave soldiers fought against: a tyrrany that believed it had the right to take whatever it wished by whatever means. Compare this with the shortage of skilled people in Australia today. Although Australia is wealthy country, it has policies of poaching skilled labour from countries with far more modest means, where skilled people are desperately needed.

    In health, for example, this policy has been pursued to the extent that many doctors are allowed to practise without an adequate assessment of their skill. And the Australians they practise on suffer the consequences, sometimes fatal. And the medical board announces that it has checked the remaining 1750 odd foreign doctors in three days and everything is hunky dory. Only one Dr Patel thankfully. Nothing else to worry about. What a joke!

    I think it more important to remember what Australian soldiers died for than where they fought.

    Remember, the world is a changing lace. Just look at the climate.

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