trading bible, page-2

  1. 8,608 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 424
    Well,you can buy a falling stock if you are prepared to Short-sell it.

    But more importantly,the trick is to identify the trend.Either up or down,you need to be clear as to which direction it is going.Like all trading,this is easier said than done.Studying moving averages can help,typical ones being 15t,30t,45t,60t and 200t.However,the greatest results come from experiance or 'gut' feel,oterwise known as trade secrets.Unless you develop these skills all the reading will amount to zilch.So unfortunately it will be practise,practise and more practise to hone those skills,and that WILL mean a loss of Capital on the way.Her is a great story from GAZCAN......I have it framed on my desktop....

    I put the 10th thumb up on this post (I've now read the thread). The fact is that because of your honesty and your brilliant expresive turn of phrase you have soul mates here. I love this trading nonsense, As I was phasing out of my tourisim related business on the sunshine coast 4
    or 5 years ago I started to get a bit more intersested in those Shares i put away. HC came along I got into the pump & dump crap on the penny d's, believed in the future of silver and all sorts of s!#%. lost dough. Read Guppy books went to free seminars all that stuff. Luckily in those days there were some genuine really nice postRRRRRRR's here who cared about people were here then (and we still have some and some new talent here) Look As any good T/A trader says keep it simple .
    People ask how do you trade shares well the only truth I know is, I't's like becoming a Doctor/Lawyer/Any proffession that will earn you over $100k p/a Do 4-6 years study spend(loose 100-150 grand) and you come out the other end capable of handling yourself in the markets. most give up, some are smarter and don't need to make the same mistake 15 times till they realise not to do that. and some like me learn after repeated error and get on to what suits them and eek an existence out of their own little corner of the mayhem. the people here (and those who chase bluebirds) have a comradarie and bonds which trancenend the whims and whiles of errant pollies and ruthless institutional bonus hunters who control these markets these days, As soon as you learn to not make a fortune every trade and peck like a pidgeon in a city square from the scraps at noon can you hope to pay cash for the M3
    Trade Safe

    So BD you want input from the stupid people. didn't Snake Lady ever tell you to be carefull what you wished for?? I think the photos in the police files at subiaco show thats another lesson you should have learnt.
    OK last Fri I posted that against my better judgement I was ridiculosly short (yep fluked another one). Well this friday finds me foolishly long.
    Reasons ok read back thru these last few months and you'll find the general consensus was down and then recover (rinse repeat) however there was a feeling July would be up and away August would be doom & gloom again what's changed?? the down bit is done and we are all a bit over it Hey we reacted worse than US to rerating, only Ben B saying no more economy destroying free money yet sent the yanks down, they need some cheer too and reporting season will give them that. Europe we all know I'ts a mess really I'ts all well documented and known so manipulators play on news to make $$, everyone would give the markets away and a slow stedy spiral to oblivion ensue without manipulation and the volitility it creates, A full moon tonight = market turn for some believers, ferrera has a turn date now .the cyccle guys can agree to dissagree wwith the dates. eveyone has an opinion and I'ts always an each way bet so why not hedge your positions (I don't)
    Here's what I've learn't in 15 years of investing and 5 years of trading.
    1. Thumbs up redbacka's posts pre reading Quality for free
    2. Always consider the quality contributors here. and should you not agree with them. have valid reasons and keep there opposing views at the back of you mind.
    3.If you are hoping/ wishing you are not trading
    4.Cut your losses quickly.
    5 see 4. 4 again
    7. the most valuable point here is point 4 learning that is the hardest thing to do and the VITAL element in trading
    it is the most expensive and VALUABLE skill you can learn.It is against human nature to do it, it is hard to do it, no one want's to loose but when the market doesn't agree with you loosing is winning if you do it quickly.
    8.You have all embraced Big Daddy for his brilliant turn of phrase but you love him more for his honesty regarding the losses . You love him for that because you feel that someone you admire makes mistakes just like you do , kindred spirits. Hey I've lost heaps too I know the hanging on wishing hoping loosing thing too. I finally and expensively leart point 4.
    9.I'ts only money
    10. these folks here with you on XJO are decent people Voice you opinion, ask stupid questions not only will some other idiot like me be glad you asked instead of them they also want the answer. and sometimes the gurus experts and hero's of this forum learn something from the basic input of us silent majority. so come on crew get benind biggy and contribute
    We need you here now

    Kischa,the 195ema selmax learnt from a favorite poster and brilliant trader with a b complex. Redbacka has pretty much covered the reasons for it's use. Life would be boring if we all used 50 & 200 as standard so 41 & 195 0r sixes and sevens the best MA is the one that works best for you on your charts. Check out Darryl Guppy MMA

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