eleven convoys= no confidence, page-47

  1. 2,223 Posts.
    "to call these people idiots is to insult idiots"
    Yeah bang57, I see what you mean, these people really don't know how to act like REAL ediots.

    ".....For the younger generation of voters who have been taught by the Australian Education Union?s ideologically-tainted members and therefore have had little exposure to the trade union movement?s history of thuggery and corruption, the union riot broke out after a rally organised by the ACTU, the peak union body, was addressed by then Opposition leader Kim Beazley, and a number of trade union figures including including then ACTU President Jennie George and then assistant ACTU secretary Greg Combet, as well as other senior ALP members.

    The event was staged as a protest against the Howard Government?s first Budget - even though it was not then delivered.

    It was a pre-emptive protest, a first-strike against the new Coalition government?s predicted Budget cuts.

    Clearly, however, the rioters had no idea what it was to contain ... and their riot and the ensuing damage for which they were responsible was as gratuitous and opportunistic as the destructive UK rioting and looting that has recently shocked the world.

    Savage as the trade union rioters were (and, according to the files, 60 police were injured, 50 people were arrested and Parliament House?s entrance, marble hall and souvenir shop were turned into a battle zone), Australians were not really shocked by the union thugs? behaviour.

    They had seen it before in Victoria when former Labor Premier Joan Kirner failed to intervene when trade unionists attacked businesses, including newspapers that disagreed with her government?s policies.

    And they had seen it Western Australia where unions - and particularly the building industry unions - believed they were above the law. ....."

    Read more here: http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/piersakerman/

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