do you know what a true pitbull looks like?, page-78

  1. 4,045 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Here is one experts opinion, and although I've never owned a Pitbull, I've had dogs all my life and I do have Staffies now, and imo Cesar Milan does know his stuff.

    However, one point made by many here, and one that Cesar Milan doesn't point out in this video, is that an imbalanced fighting dog has the potential to be far more damaging than an imbalanced hunting dog. But then I suppose an imbalanced Mastiff would be more damaging than an imbalanced Corgi. And an imbalanced Chihuahua would be more damaging than an imbalanced Goldfish. And an imbalanced human being is the most dangerous species on earth.

    IMO the dog owner is at fault in all domestic dog attacks against humans, because the owner is responsible for the dog. We cannot ask the dog to be responsible for himself. We can help him there with training, but at the end of the day the ultimate responsibility belongs with the dog owner.

    "Breed is a powerful influence on a dogs behaviour, but it's not the only one".

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