BTA 0.00% 57.0¢ biota holdings limited

the answers , page-34

  1. 334 Posts.
    PC's commercial credentials is legendary as the CEO of Orbital Engine. OEC that has the technology to make internal combustion engines run more efficient in the era of rising oil prices and great concerns for carbon dioxide emission. The share price plummetted from about 50 cents to 10 cents at the time PC exited OEC onto BTA's gravy train. What further proof on PC's commercial skill do shareholders need?

    PC's lack of understanding of Relenza is clearly established with his commedy of public statements.

    PC rewarded himself with half a million of free oopies for normalising relationship with GSK. He even gave excuses for GSK lack of marketing. Now 2 years later, nothing can hide GSK's lack of marketing and sales - PC now flip-floped to say there is nothing he can do about GSK. Why is he not accountable for collecting his free oopies?

    PC had indeed done very well.

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