fair work act..again

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    A few months ago I posted how Fair Work Australia adversely impacted both Employees and Employers. Tonight we see further evidence on the 7:30 report how workers who want work cannot get it even when Employers want to employ staff longer under mutual agreement.

    we see recently that the ongoing wage and condition demands by unions in the manufacturing industries across Australia lament the fact that business are closing and re-locating overseas. It seems that the union bosses want to blame everything except themeselves.

    Intertwined with the internationally competitive environment is the extremely regressive regime of the Fair Work Act. This Act is pervasive in the employmability and trade competitive environment that Australia is in.

    Senator Chris Evans ,...the Fair work Minister is in complete denial that there is a problem yet business's are shedding jobs. Paul Howes blames the mining industry...what a complete joke.

    As a small business owner I have had to reduce labour and reduce services because of the inflexibility of the Fair Work act. It is a total disgrace.

    Chris Caton of Access Economics Stated tonight on the 7:30 Report that Australia was in a better place under the Work Choices regime which allowed workplace flexibility.

    My staff would dearly love more hours yet it is unaffordable under the current arrangements. It is not that Business want to pay peanuts for good staff...quite the opposite actually however excessive penatly rates and other restrictions do not facilitate what both the Employee and the Employer both want.

    happy for a sensible discussion on this subject

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