troubles with nab online trading?

  1. 3,413 Posts.
    Generally speaking I have found NAB Online Trading to be fairly trouble free and a pleasure to use however I have to say that I HAVE however noticed there are at times longish delays in my order being "processed". This has on the odd occasion been the cause of my order "missing out" to someone else.

    I have also noticed on several occasions when I am in the process of placing a sell order, that just after I have entered my password and hit enter key another order takes out the parcel in question. It's almost as though my order has triggered another seller automatically to sell in front of me, perhaps to entice me to sell lower into the waiting arms of an auumulator? I'm not talking about highly liquid stocks either, quite the contrary often the stock hasn't traded for hours & then whammo????

    To top it off I have even been questioned by NAB's online trading representatives as to whether I am attempting to manipulate the market. If it wasn't so serious it would be hillarious, that said it has resulted in my orders being constantly rejected - unfairly in my own opinion, particularly when one can see the actions of others on the market.

    My response was if as you say you are required to maintain a "fair end equitable market" then perhaps you could consider looking at the bigger fish and their trading behaviour and cease being concerned with little old me.

    Seems to me we're well and truly playing on an extremely UN-level playing field?


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