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xjo weekend zoomba lounge, page-115

  1. 1,996 Posts.
    DJIA -

    Well done Funky and Jako for calling the upthrust. (Hmm, what shall be your prize?)
    And its on no demand as well, stopping just shy of the high volume bar from Aug 9 - and though its cut through easily the past few days, its not going to take on that supply above on No Demand. We had a lot of buying come in at the shakeout on Oct 4, but also there is a lot of SUPPLY present down there and we are probably headed back down there to TEST that supply at least and so far as others have pointed out, we still have a series of lower lows and highs. So we have a very shortable bar on the dow in the right place - ie resistance and at the top of a down trend channel taken from the high of Aug 31.

    DJIA Latin Version

    And the Roman Bulls brought their shield walls against the 11000 that Martis the Bear does hold so sacred, and they did wrest it from the power of the barbarians with little resistance for the Horde of Martis had retreated to cover their shorts for they saw the spirits of the smart money did press after them swiftly so that even Caylus the Short was in doubt.

    And the Roman General they call “The Goblin” (for he is an ugly man with a big nose and rotted teeth which he did sharpen to a point) knowing that the 11000 was considered by Martis to be a holy place did order the Bulls to make a latrine of it, for he scorned Martis and his magic and his prophesying of the C Wave.

    When Martis the Bear heard that the Roman Bulls had defecated his sacred ground and that “The Goblin” had shit upon it he was enraged. And at the 11230 he did rally his men and drew for them more squiggly runes that spiral down. And Martis did rebuke Caylus the Short for a coward and did call for him to honour his oath by which they did spit upon their hands and held each other’s balls and swear.

    So Caylus, seeing that the Roman Bulls had left their supply lines stretch too thin did consult the druid Jako of the Volume – and Jako did spread out his runes upon the forum of the charts and did draw for him an upthrust upon the DOW – and he did say if he should see such a sign in the heavens then the probability would be high for lower prices.

    So when Caylus did see the sign of the upthrust and the no demand he did pull his troops about, and joined Martis’s again and together they repelled the Roman shield wall which had grown thin and did push them back to the 11100 where they made camp.

    And Martis the Bear did welcome Caylus back though he was sorely disappointed that Caylus had abandoned him for a time.

    And the Bears did sharpen their swords and did sing the death chant of Beli Mawr – and the Romans did hear the terrible wailing of the death chant and their stomachs did turn with fear.


    But Battle is not won by brute force and strength alone but also by wit and intellect.

    So now we shall now cast our eye back a 100 points or two to survey the battlefield that was which the Roman bulls did leave behind as they pursued Martis the Bear into the North.

    All is silent and eerie as a multitude of dead lay round a bout, both Roman Bull and Barbarian Bear, lay embraced in death and the birds have descended to feed on the rotting flesh.

    And of a sudden, out of a small ditch filled with bodies, a bloodied hand does push up from the throng. And then a head. And another hand and another head. And so we introduce our two unlikely heroes, Disco and Pisces. Disco, a Roman Officer who loves his ale and also moonlights as a part time bard. And Pisces, also a brave Roman officer, who does love his goldies and does keep Disco informed of any breach of copyright should he attempt to plagiarise any other bards words.

    In the thick of the battle they did hide themselves in the ditch and covered themselves with the dead and did pretend to be one of them so that the Bears might not molest and kill them (not necessarily in that order) if Martis should win the battle.

    “Do you live Disco?” Pisces calls out for his eyes are full of blood so he could not yet see.

    “I do live Pisces,” Disco calls back, “Do you live?”

    “Of course I live, how else would ask you if you live or not?”

    “Did we win?” Disco crawls over the bodies to come and help his fellow warrior out of the carnage.

    “I don’t know,” Pisces replies, and inclines his ear to the air to see if he could hear where the battle may have moved. Suddenly he perks up. “Disco! I can hear the battle faintly in the North. The Bulls have pushed back the Bears. We are saved!”

    “And they have left us all these bodies to loot!” Disco exclaimed with eyes wide as he peeked out of the ditch.

    “I see many a penny stock are moving,” Pisces exclaimed. “And look at all the Goldies.”

    And our two heroes realising their good fortune did celebrate with the sign of the high five and did dance the moon walk and the boot scoot.

    “I am back,” Disco punched the air.

    “I am Bad!” Pisces joined in.

    “I am Back in the Black! And I shall make a song of it.”

    “What will you call this song?” Pisces asked.

    “I shall call it ‘Back in the Black!’” Disco replied with satisfaction.

    “I am pretty certain somebody else has already made such a song.”

    “It matters not. Now we should divide into two teams.” Disco got serious.

    “But Disco, there are only two of us,” Pisces frowned.

    “Yes,” Disco continued, “And I shall be the Alpha male, and you shall be the Beta team. Now be ready and when I give the signal we shall strike and I will throw a flashbang to befuddle the day traders and they shall not know what did hit them and we shall make a raid on a penny or two.”

    “What is the signal to strike,” Pisces asked excitedly.

    “It is strike, strike, strike!”

    And so our two heroes did tighten their stop losses around there pants so that if the smart money should come hunting they may escape with more than the shirts on their backs.

    And they did pounce on the plunder and took for themselves some QR, PRR, and ASL, LYC and FMG and many more. And after having their fill they ran back to their ditch to explore their profits.

    “I have made a killing on some goldies,” Pisces spread out the loot for Disco to see.

    “And I have taken some PRR,” Disco replied excitedly.

    “Who are PRR?”

    “They are a maker of potions by which they might heal many an ill. They will make a new potion soon and when they have conjured it they shall be fundamentally good and they shall be a ten bagger and I shall be rich.”

    “Ten bagger . . . “ Pisces whispered wistfully.

    “But Pisces,” Disco grabbed his friends shoulder. “I have noticed that many of the dead did have their thumbs removed. Somebody has been stealing their thumbs.”

    “A Thiever of thumbs!” Pisces spat. “A pox on all thievers of thumbs!”

    “A pox on them!” Disco agreed. “For a man is born with but one thumb per hand. And if he should die without any thumbs, how will he hold the penny to pay the ferry man to take him across the river to Valhalla and how shall he make the sign of the Thumbs Up to all those warriors that die with a sword in their hand? And how shall he grasp a woman or fondle a jug of ale?”

    And then both soldiers grew quiet and fear gripped their hearts for they saw a solitary figure gliding slowly across the battlefield. It wore a long and dark hooded robe and they could not see the face under the hood but only a glowing of eyes which terrified them.

    “It is a spirit of the smart money,” Disco whispered in fear.

    “It cannot be,” Pisces shivered, “For the smart money are hidden in the volume. They do not walk about in the open for all to see.”

    “May haps It is Martis, for I have heard he can take the form of a grim reaper,” Disco’s voice wavered.

    “But he does not carry the sickle by which the grim reaper does harvest the dead.”

    Suddenly the figure stopped still. And Disco and Pisces shrunk further into their ditch. Slowly the wraith raised its hands and removed its hood to reveal a head of white and wiry hair and an aged face. And the figure lifted its head up to the sky and did screw up his nose and sniffed the air deeply. And his head did make sharp movements like a bird as he sniffed about.

    “I SMELL PISS!” He called out in a high pitched and crackled voice. “WHY CAN I SMELL PISS?”

    “Oh No,” Pisces whispered. “It is the Monk.”

    “What Monk?” Disco frowned.

    “You know, the Funky one,” Pisces replied.

    “Ahh the Funky Monk,” Disco blurted out.

    “Sshhh. We must put our heads down and hide lest he sees us and put a hex on us.”

    “DISCO AND PISCES!” The dark robed figure that had seemed so far away a moment ago was now looming over the ditch. “What are you too creeping about in there for?”

    “We are the rear guard sire,” Disco blubbered out. “Are we not Pisces?”

    “Y . .Yes. The rear guard,” Pisces stammered out uncertainly.

    “Oh yes?” The Funky Monk raised his eyebrows skeptically an amused expression on his face. “You’re sure you haven’t been hiding in the bodies to avoid the battle?”

    “No sire,” Disco nodded his head frantically. “We are brave soldiers.”

    “Indeed! “ The monk’s high pitched voice replied scornfully. “And I heard about your little episode the other day, Disco. Where you tried to utter curses upon Martis. Have you ever heard of anything so absurd! Sending a bard to do a druids cursing! What will they ever come up with next!”

    “I told my commander I was not a druid,” Disco mumbled. “It is not my fault.”

    “Well it should have worked,” the Monk replied. “Those Barbarians are so dull and dim witted. They wouldn’t know a druid if one came and shoved a pitchfork up their arse.”

    “So the commander thought,” Pisces pitched in.

    “Well? Did you hop about and flap your arms?” The Monk asked. “And did you slobber like a mad man? That always good for making them piss their tunics!”

    “I was too full of ale to keep balance,” Disco hung his head. “And their women did flash me.”

    “But you were distracted by the women,” The Monk clucked his tongue and shook his head. “They are all full of the pox you know!”

    “Yes I know,” Disco grumbled. “But so are w . . “

    And at that moment Pisces clapped his hand about Disco’s mouth that he should not finish his words.

    “He means to ask, so are we safe from the Smart Money, my lord?” Pisces blurted out quickly. “And how can we help ourselves to the pennies and goldies without our stops being hunted?”

    “Well,” The monk scratched his beard thoughtfully.”One should not try to piss into the wind lest he dirty his trousers. And the wind does blow north, and then it does turn on the dime and blows south, and then it does turn north again and so forth. And in whatever direction the wind is blowing that is where you should piss. Have you two pissed your pants?” The Funky Monk did screw up his nose at them as he sniffed and waved his hand about his nose.

    “Not today,” Disco protested. “That would be from last week!”

    “But sire,” Pisces frowned. “Our pricks are only inclined to point to the North, for none has showed us how to turn our pricks to the south.”

    “And we are Bulls,” Disco protested. “And we are inclined to be long. And the Bears are inclined to be short, and why should we want to point our pricks to the south if they will shrivel.”

    The Funky Monk rolled his eyes and sighed heavily, “My prick is also only inclined to point to the North and I am longer than both of you combined. But at least I know when to pull it out and when to put it away! Why do you think us druids do hop about and flap our hands so vigorously? It is because we have not had a good piss since April!”

    Then the Funky Monk did lick upon his finger and did hold it up to the wind.

    “What are you doing sire? Pisces asked. “Some magic.”

    “Yes!” The Monk replied impatiently. “I am scrying for you the direction of the wind.”

    And after a moment he pulled his finger down, and after examining it closely said . “You are both safe for today. Now I am going off to get a better view of the battle.”

    And with that the Funky Monk did head south.

    “But sire,” Disco shouted after him. “The battle is to the North for the bears have fled there.”

    “Yes I know!” The monk sounded exasperated as he continued to head south. “But they are coming back!”

    And with that the FunkyMonk did vanish from their sight and Disco and Pisces picked up their loot and ran back to the camp of the Romans so they might rejoin their company before the commanders realised they were missing.

    Brought to you by Disco the Bard - "Back in the Black" which he does insist is not plagiarised. (Disco is the one in the front with the school uniform)

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