andrew bolt, re aust. response to corby trial, page-141

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    geo_au, re aust. response to corby trial "The Corby case differs in that evidence of baggage interference at some of Australia's major airports has been confirmed. In fact, there are two other cases with similarities to the Corby case which the Indonesian judges should have taken into account. Keep in mind that this could happen to you. In light of this crucial evidence Corby should be give the benefit of the doubt"

    So what you're implying is that now - in every case involving allegations of smuggling and airports - in the absence of point-to-point video and hence irrefutable evidence of no tmapering -

    ....that the case should be abandoned??

    And what of all those in detention now under similar circs...set them free and overtun their verdict??
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