What makes you think he should get special treatment?
What makes you think he won't get the proper treatment from Dept of Immigration?
Why do you even think he's telling the truth?
Why hasn't anyone of any credibility at all come forward and agreed with his assertion that he's in grave danger?
If there are 1,000's of Chinese agents in Australia how come they didn't find him and knock him off? Followed him home from the Rally?
What sort of secrets do you think Defence has? Yeah Australia...right...
He's the one who broke the news to the Press after the Australian Government turned down his application for political asylum...and why do you think that was? An attempt to blackmail/embarrass the Govt into letting him in maybe.
He's just a jerk who's played the wrong cards in an attempt to queue jump into Australia for economic reasons.
Immigration will find he hasn't got a case because he hasn't, not because of Australian/Chinese political and trade relationships.
He's read too many James Bond novels....then made his bed, let him lie in it.
Hundreds of deserving genuine people seeking political asylum in Australia....let's see some Press about them...yeah right...