peaceniks are warmongers for our enemies, page-3

  1. 930 Posts.
    re: peaceniks are useful idiots. Same idiots, different Bad guys.
    Like the poor, ........they will always be with us!
    Expand the term America to include "The West "and he gets it spot on.!


    Lenin called them "Useful Idiots," the intellectuals, writers, politicians and socialist activists in the West who, while not Party members, promoted the Bolshevik scheme of world revolution. His successor Stalin continued the use of the phrase and today, even after the total collapse of the communist system (estimated even by left-wing historians to have been responsible for over 100 million deaths over its 70-year genocidal run), the Useful Idiots don't appear to have received the word. They just go right on spouting the party line.

    You know the people I'm talking about. They are for peace and always against war, even after September 11. They think patriotism is racist and abusive. They think people who achieve do so at the expense of others, that European-descended Americans purposefully deny education and income to all others. They fight religion on every front, most notably in the public schools. (Okay to teach Islam, not okay to have Christmas pageants). They think a free-market economy has ruined the environment. They say they adhere to the principles of equality while pushing for special status for certain groups.

    They see Western civilization as racist, chauvinist and homophobic and strive to denigrate the reality of its success at very turn. They have no sense of humor and rarely let facts get in the way of their positions. They never stand and fight, preferring to retreat while labeling their opponents "abusive" for daring to air out the facts of the matter.

    The Useful Idiots earnestly believe that human beings cannot make their own decisions about whether to smoke, wear a seatbelt, or eat the right foods. The people are the masses, you see, and they must be controlled by the all-knowing central government and march to the erratic drills of the advocacy groups that have created a cottage industry in this politically correct era. Today, a new federal state or local law is passed every hour to protect the citizenry from itself. Basically, the Useful Idiots hate America because it is constructed on the principle of individual liberty. The Soviet Union may have failed, they say, but its principles are still valid. The state knows best and the revolution must go on until America itself fulfills the socialist utopia that began with the Bolsheviks
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