what is religion?, page-20

  1. 7,404 Posts.
    religion is a repeated action of body, speech or mind.
    if someone goes to the pub and has a drink on a regular basis each week, then that is a religion that they practice.
    religion is obviously a verb, not a noun, regardless of what any "authority" decrees.

    humans (pike all other beings) are composite beings, their multifarious religious activites create their own gods, to that they necessarily become subject to, for better or worse.

    from one perspective, bob was right when he sung, you gotta serve somebody.

    however, it is all just sounding bells and clangling symbols if one doesn't practice "love".

    the world is full of polarity
    all humans have good and bad aspects to varying degrees

    someone that i can not recall ever never meeting before, was kind to me today, (they went out of their way to help me)
    even though some may think of such acts of kindness as small, when that happens it blows me away.
    it makes me want to be kind to other beings.
    this is the kind of world that we all want.

    i'm finding that that the results of actions have reverberating quaility.

    we are the only ones that can bring happiness and peace about (often by just by habitually refraining from unwholsome processes, according to our individual dispositions)

    today i was thinking of the cruelty infliced upon beagles that are used in "animal testing" in part, because they are trusting and loyal.
    but then today, as i said, i was reminded of the prevalance of an abundance kindness that we all give and recieve at various times.

    that is grace.

    without mentioning the G word, and trying to see beyond through pain, i can see that the principles governing the world of created (however you view that word) conscious beings, ultimately work in their favour.

    in reality there is no such thing as a christian, moslem, jew, hindu, buddhist, thelemite, raelian, JW, etc.
    they all all names for things that have no inherent, stable or well-definable reality.
    there is sects within sects, schisms within schisms.
    when you look into such things, they have no substantial basis.

    perhaps it's same with kindness, compassion and "love".
    but they are beneficial practices for as long as we are affliced by suffering.

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