what is your trading story?, page-38

  1. 3,262 Posts.
    Great thread, some good reads.

    My story.

    31 yr old teacher. My first trade was MIM holdings bought at 94 cents and sold around $1.40. Must have been around 2000-2001. Basically went overseas for a week and gave the money to a mate who invested in his account. Only $2000 but came back 6 weeks later to find it at $2700. Was hooked. Dabbled around with some stocks which in hindsight if id held id be a millionaire. MCR and OXR are 2 I remember most vividly. Made some costly errors in trading of holding on downtrends and selling too early on the trend up (schoolboy errors!).

    Finally decided I was going to make a stand and stop with the trading and buy a stock to hold. Bought SMM at 14 cents, bought up big. As usual got nervous sold parcel at 35 cents and the lot at 80 cents. Went over $6 in a very short period of time.

    Was ok because I put funds into ARU at 27 cents. Made a killing sold most around $2 also sold NUP a spin off at $1 and was sitting on over $200k large all from about $2k start. Never borrowed or added and was in UK for 5 years teaching and travelling.

    Decided to gamble $100k on a stock called SBN. Basically blew the lot... literally. Think I got a few grand back out of it.

    Used the other cash to travel more, deposit for house and all that crap.

    Only in last few weeks looking at buying again, probably been 2 years.

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