new doubts on wtc collapse, page-131

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    re: new doubts on wtc collapse/grant62 Aflatoon raises the following to Grant62:
    US played havoc because of what happened on 9/11 whereas it was actually their own lack of home land security. Americans failed to secure their borders and hypocratically blamed others. Admit it, they have and still are killing innocent people... for what?
    Its a shame.

    In reply:
    On that basis Aflatoon, it would always be the victim's fault. The WTC gets attacked, but it is really America to blame. Someone gets mugged. But really, they were asking for it.

    America, with its sea and air borders has one of the largest geographical areas of coverage in the world (larger than Europe, of Australia, etc).

    The difference, the USA was devoting considerable resources to border and homeland protection before 9-11. But clearly, it was not enough. More is now being done.

    But conversely, others set out to deliberately carry out the WTC attack (or to attack other USA interests located worldwide). So, on the basis of your original premise, they were not at fault. The Americans were.

    Don't you think that the Americans are getting a bit sick and tired of being blamed for everything (maybe, some deserved).

    Better then for the Americans to withdraw from Europe and from NATO, withdraw from funding the UN (yes, they not only paid up their arrears 2 years ago, but also all current year dues, unlike many other countries).

    But, then again, the failure of the UN is also the Americans fault - after all, they are the main funding contributor.

    The point - WTC should never have occurred.

    The Americans should have totally closed off their borders and adopted an isolationist approach to the world.

    And, when the attacks came, the RoW should have handed up their suspects, rather than harbouring them.

    Like many of us, you probably saw the events of 9-11 unfold on the TV screens. At the time, we all probably thought it surreal. Arguably, shock. Arguably, who could commit such a gruesome attack. Arguably, fear - was war imminent that day.

    In the aftermath, Americans saw the inadequacies of their own system - where reliance upon trust, freedom and openness had seemingly been turned on its collective head, and return served 2-fold. No wonder the Americans probably have their own skewed views of the world (rightly or wrongly). After all, the RoW seems to support unabashed mocking, derision, and harming of the Americans - always have, seemingly always will.

    In time, one would hope that a global military force under the auspices of an expanded Security Council will emerge, with both an aggressive (or enforcement) and a defensive role to play.

    Until then, the Americans will likely be in the thick of it. Some of it - their own doing. The rest of it, however, because the RoW wants America to defend them, but to contribute little themselves to it. Afterall, think Europe throughout the Cold War. Think the Balkans. Think Kosovo.

    American attitudes and behaviour over time have not necessarily been covered in glory, respect or honour. But nor too have the attitudes and behaviour of most other countries, especially in Europe, and in Asia.

    But, are the Americans killing innocent people? Yes. But so too were the greater than 3,000 lives lost in the WTC. They too were innocent lives lost. Yet, were their punishers brought to justice. Their financiers, their supporters, or their harbourers? It seems that if an American life is lost - then that loss of life is cheap. But if someone else's life is lost - the Americans are to be blamed, and that loss of life is precious. The direct point, everybody's lives (of whatever origin) are equally precious (not cheap).

    It is, therefore, time for all to recognise that the tragedy of WTC was a crime against humanity and that the world (not just America) should stand up, denounce, and eliminate the potential for such crimes to be committed, again or in the future.

    If the world were perhaps to take the issues of stopping terrorism more seriously, and seek a global solution, then perhaps the Americans could be pressured to step back on what they are doing. Otherwise, where is the global community?

    The Americans should not be acting unilaterally in dispensing justice. But nor too should the RoW be acting as the centre of appeasement.

    Strangely enough, the Americans, the Chinese and even the Indians (and Pakistanis) seem to have more in common with each other on these issues than do the Americans and the "new" Central Powers (France, Germany and Spain).

    The New World Order of whatever persuasion it is should actually take, as its foundations, a fervent desire not to repeat the inherent mistakes of the United Nations system.

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