celebrity chefs = celebrity duds.

  1. 1,256 Posts.
    Mum rang to tell me an A Current Affair tonight that George Columbaris and Luke Mangan were on bemoaning the fact they have to pay staff penalty rates on the weekend. Are they serious? Apparently they are. Luke Mangan gets on telly with a straight face and says it is cheaper to eat in USA and Europe, than it is here at the moment. Many more homeless people over there too... Hospitality workers relying on tips to get a half decent wage.

    Working as a fully qualified casual chef, I get $28 bucks on Sat,{Award} and $31 on Sun. Now that is from employers who actually pay the Award rate. Not a huge amount compared to other qualified Trades people. Many pay under. I try not to work for them, but it's hard, as the industry is rife with dodgy employers.

    George Columbaris is ALWAYS advertising for staff, chefs mostly, and as many of my collegues have said, If he is such a good employer,and chef, he would have people lining up to work for him. Many of the "top" restaurants in Melb are CONSTANTLY looking for chefs. How about these so called "celebrity chefs" actually start valuing their hard working employees, who actually help them run their squillion dollar restaurants. Greed is a powerful motivator, hey? I have nothing against success, but I cannot tolerate those in the hospitality industry who talk rubbish like this. The industry is so wrecked as it is without these clowns weighing in. GRRRR!
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