andrew bolt on protest, page-109

  1. 6,604 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2852
    As I posted yesterday I am not yet fifty and was born in the mid sixties.Not unlike a lot of HC posters I would imagine in this regard.

    During my lifetime thousands of Aboriginal children were forcibly removed from their parents and placed in childrens homes and orpanages. Often to be physically and sexually abused.

    My one Aboriginal schoolfriend told me about two of his grandparents, neckchained and marched off to be shot with dozens of others of innocent tribal people near Wyndham WA in the ninteen twenties. The police officers responsible were promoted and transferred.

    Do not tell me genocide happened in Australia hundreds of years ago "I am not responsible". You may not be personally responsible but some of these acts of genocide happened in our lifetimes.

    Deal with the facts.

    You may not admit "your Australia" has any responsibility to help fix the mess but do not try to tell me it happened two hundred odd years ago. Thats when it started!

    I am deeply disturbed by the stupid recent acts of some Aboriginal protestors. I am just as disturbed by the total lack of empathy,tolerance understanding of the plight of first Australians by many HC posters.

    We recent immigrants are mostly boat people, thats right folks, many of you wont like that but its the truth, descendants of economic or war refugees whos recent ancestors arrived by boat for a better or safer life. Sounds a lot like some recent unpopular arrivals doesnt it?
    And if we didnt come on a boat, then we are even more recent, airoplane people.

    All my family arrived on boats in the last hundred and forty odd years if we take it back about as far as it goes.

    Grandad went to Gallipoli and "The Somme",even got a military medal in Pozier. Dad went of to the second war and was torpedoed twice crossing the Atlantic.Obviously luckily both survived the wars.

    I am from a standard white, educated, middle class Australian family, perhaps not unlike Andrew Bolts(though judging by Andrews "Oxford like English" I think his school may have been a bit posher than mine. Bon Scott went to my school I am guessing the Young brothers did not go to Andrews! Lol!

    My family went to war to defend a race that was generous,humourous, charitable and compassionate. They knew things were not perfect in society but they were honest about it. They gave to charity, knew the neighbours names and they were to church and cared about the downtrodden.

    They were not special, this is how regular Australians were.

    I wonder what they and their generations would make of this increasingly materialistic society adverse to sharing the nations undoubted riches many of whom put all the blame on the poor for being poor. And many of whom apparently are in denial about our own recent history.


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