the bible - no wonder 'we' swear on the bible, page-151

  1. 2,843 Posts.
    God love is as of a parent , unconditional.
    thats why He gave His son so none of us would perish.
    I find that a wonderful thing.
    There are no rules and regulations at all bar 2.
    Love the Lord God with all your heart, all your mind and spirit, and love your neighbour as your self.
    Now if everyone did that there would be no troubles on the earth because these 2 commandments encompass everything that is good.
    if i love my neighbour would i commit adultery with his wife.
    If i love my neighbour wouldi steel from him, be jealous of him etc etc the list goes on.
    Most importantly we as humans try to live a decent life but do we really. I alone can say yes i am a good man but am i really. I have only had a few speeding tickets, never murdered anyone, robbed banks harmed intentionally people or animals but does that make me alone good. the answer is no.
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