EBO 0.00% $35.00 ebos group limited ordinary shares

Ann: APPNDX7: EBO: EBOS Correction Record Date fo

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    • Release Date: 21/02/12 19:26
    • Summary: APPNDX7: EBO: EBOS Correction Record Date for Dividend 5 April 2012
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    21/02/2012 17:26
    REL: 1726 HRS Ebos Group Limited
    APPNDX7: EBO: EBOS Correction Record Date for Dividend 5 April 2012
    21 February 2012
    EBOS Group has achieved another excellent half year result, particularly
    against a background of ongoing reform and tight budgets in public healthcare
    and a difficult economic environment.
    Reported numbers are just above last year with a net profit after tax from
    continuing operations of $11.574 million, against $11.457 million last year.
    On a comparable basis our trading result is approximately 10% ahead of the
    previous half year, given that, the first half included over $1.0m legal, due
    diligence and acquisition expenses.
    The NZ trading operations had ongoing efficiency gains following the merger
    of Health Support back office and information systems into PRNZ, leading to
    an overall net increase in results.
    In Australia our business continues to be influenced by the two speed
    Australian economy where the non resources, "real" economy, is finding the
    going tough.  Capital spending also remains constrained.  Against this
    background we still produced a credible result and continue to make solid
    progress with our "greenfields" new Perth based sales and distribution
    Masterpet Acquisition
    The major news to conclude our first half year was the successful acquisition
    of the trans-tasman Masterpet group.  The transaction was concluded in
    Total consideration was $105m in cash plus existing Masterpet debt.  This
    exciting move into the Animal Health and Pet Care sector is a logical
    extension of the EBOS Group core competencies in sales, marketing and
    distribution.  This market segment is growing internationally.
    The Masterpet acquisition will be a significant profit driver going forward.
    In healthcare we expect to see ongoing health sector reforms, however this
    macro driver will create opportunities for our group.  We also see growth
    opportunities within the broader animal health and veterinary sector.
    Whilst EBOS has just completed its largest acquisition to date, we continue
    to investigate a range of new acquisition possibilities in both the Human and
    Animal Health sectors.
    Directors have declared a fully imputed interim dividend on 13.5 cents per
    share, payable on 20 April 2012 to shareholders on the register at close of
    business 5 April 2012.
    The dividend reinvestment plan will not be operative for this dividend.
    Mark Waller Rick Christie
    Managing Director/CEO Chairman of Directors
    EBOS Group
    Phone : (03) 338 0999
    Mobile : 021 368 746
    End CA:00219812 For:EBO    Type:APPNDX7    Time:2012-02-21 17:26:41
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