URANIUM 1.02% $24.70 uranium futures

fukushima: a year later posted by dr. y, page-6

  1. 1,134 Posts.
    stay in uranium shares boys, its what you deserve

    eh eh

    no admitted deaths by the government is what you should say CEBonomics as we all know how honest they are

    being radiated can be good for you in small doses and as a visitor its probably all you would get


    Its when you ingest isotopes then its a problem, how many tons of fuel rods where burnt? and blown sky high?

    CEBonomics i get the feeling you are saying there wont be any deaths is that correct? and you dont work in the industry or have any shares or interest??

    CEBonomics I am sure the government will be honest about how many deaths mate

    The people who lived in the locations polluted do they feel ok about reactor safety? they are the ones to ask, do they know what you say and feel? do they think people will die from ingesting or breathing an atom or 2 of one of the many isotopes? out of the Tons and tons now in the environment

    6 reactors melting down is less devastation for the earth and its people than Chernobyl? we believe them dont we. ALL 6 REACTORS had power failure, 1 was offline but the fuel rods still needed water so same result

    a power failure is all it takes for a reactor to blow sky high CEBonomics

    You can fool the people some of the time but when you fool yourself its called a delusion, you start with one delusion and they grow, thats what happens when you forget TRUTH, just ask any of our (Fearless) leaders they will tell you all about delusion

    google estimated deaths for Chernobyl
    it was about 1 million casualties, most not even in Russia
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