bolts on to tony, page-44

  1. 135 Posts.
    Chris Kenny had an excellent article right on point in yesterday's Australian.

    Bligh has gone to this election with the same strategy Gillard has followed since the last election ie one of consistent negativity and trying to smear the Opposition Leader. We see how it has worked so handsomely for Anna Bligh. She is about to lead a cricket team, or possibly a league team.

    Albert Einstein defined Insanity as:- Dong the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    All indications are that the federal ALP is destined repeat history.

    Absa Fron12:- the situations are radically different. I don't recall senior party members or commentators in 1992 or 2003 stating quite frankly that their team simply cannot win with the present leader and strategy. Rudd and his supporters said so just a few weeks back. Former party members like Richo, Johns and others state it quite openly, as do most serious political commentators [save for all at the ABC and some at Fairfax] Howard and Keating at least had the backing of their teams who saw them as their best chance of winning. Not even the most one-eyed Labor acolyte would pretend Gillard has the respect and support of her own Cabinet, let alone Caucus. She won't even let them take notes at cabinet meetings; all media contacts must be run past her first; she deliberately left Smith in Defence to destabilise his ambitions. The tensions within Labor are palpable and obvious to any keen observer. I repeat - politically, she is a dead woman walking. She will be slaughtered at the next election, just as Bligh will, and for the same reasons.
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