snooks, read my lips!, page-18

  1. 406 Posts.
    Ardent ,
    One of the hardest mental factors in human being perception , is to accept , that one of your people , has radical different views , in opposition to the views and beliefs of the majority .
    Shahak and other scholars have been able to freely think and communicate their beliefs and views in a very open and free society such as Israel is .
    The fact is that YOU and your FRIENDS , keep browsing the net , in an everlasting effort , to find similar opponents to mainstream Israeli thinking , in order to PROMOTE YOUR ANTI SEMITIC , disguised in ANTI ZIONIST mask .
    You are too SHALLOW to comprehend the Jewish tradition of Talmudic INSIGHT whose consequences are PLURALISTIC VIEWS in AN EVER DEBATING society .This very point is still not comprehended by Israel enemies .It is a Jewish tradition . Jews are THINKERS , mate . They are not SUPERFICIAL . That's why many western journalist completely miss the point when reporting from Israel .

    Ardent , You view Jews as your loathed enemies .
    I dont know what are the reasons to this mental attitude from Aussie Anglo Saxons . I want to hope that it is rather related to a CULT RAISON D'etre of the left wing intelligesia . It is common everywhere including Israel . It is UNCOMMON in the third world and specifically in the ARAB WORLD .
    Afterall , the fall of the Socialist system created such a big hole in the left platform . Who was the enemy now ?
    Arabs ? No way . they are not well progressed to be antagonized . The third world ? well they in anyway for a few good centuries . Who's left ? Easy : the USA as the superpower and the Jews . But wait . The Left cannot identify itself with any similarity with the FAR RIGHT . So the solution was found . ISRAEL n ZIONISM . Great targets .

    Mate , Shahak was a PROUD ZIONIST and was LUCKY to die peacefully . Many of his friends , with similar views , did not have that luck : Sitting in Bohemian cafes in Jerusalem n Tel AVIV n Netanya , dreaming and debating of a UTOPIAN state where all ARABS n Jews live together , their dreams were hinously and abruptly shatterred by the Palestinian terror that had NOTHING IN COMMON with those BEATIFUL SOULS of the Israeli LEFT .

    The tragedy of the Israelis is , that in order to live in Israel , they have had to die in abundance since the first pioneer return to a land from which their ancestors were exiled some 1800 years before .You dont have to google for that historic date . It was 1882 , thirty five years before the arrival of General Allenby in 1917 in that lan they had no other name for , they called Palestine .

    No matter what I say to people like you , you will not comprehend . I hope you can try to at least .Duff

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