terrorism, a complex phenomenon, page-37

  1. 2,032 Posts.
    re: who are the real terrorists ? Hi again Charry3 .....

    Far from wanting to join the "lunatic fringe" (let alone be considered to be part of it) there is little an individual can acomplish (these days in particular) when any attempt is made, to effect any societal change.

    The 'stone wall' mentality of Govt (at all levels) almost always reflects a 'we are right', you are wrong mentality, simply because, WE are the rule makers!!

    There are daily examples of 'acts of terrorism' handed down upon individual members within our own society, that plainly defy even a semblance of common sense.
    (just take notice of a small sample displayed in the media each morning, or, night).

    A system where 'rule makers' and 'enforcers' (of those respective rules) have NO accountability whatsoever, breeds a certain "culture of contempt" that festers contagiously throughout members of that society. And it aint getting any better as a result of it!! - A rule for some, but not for others. We have ALL been touched by it.

    Our own society, being promoted under a dreadful 'divide and conquer' system that is failing, can only go further down the drain, as a consequence of continuing so. The 'I'm alright Jack' mentality is a 'blinkered view' of the reality around us. Building higher 'concrete barriers' for protection may provide 'peace of mind' for some, but is only a 'head in the sand solution' for that individual architech's own self interest. We need to have a good long, (FAIR DINKUM) serious look at what we are presenting to our next generation, as a result of our own 'self centered' ignorance.

    Just an opinion, though.


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