broaden your vision, page-36

  1. 27,491 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 82
    I speak for WA's Gov's Verve Energy.

    Maybe a wrong choice of phrase I trust.

    Yes about the only thing I think little johhny did right, was to set up the nuclear debate with ziggy running the show.
    Okay thorium can do the same job ( allegedly).

    But considering col,doesnt even beleive that aircon is neccasary,getting this dinasoural political party to even think laterally in this direction is just plain ludicrous.

    Remember cols canal?,

    Mr Logan said a 2006 independent report found the project cost would be astronomical and warned that Western Australians? water bills would increase from $500 to $2000 a year if 'Colin's Canal was built.

    Given WA produces 70 percent of its electricity from gas,the carbon tax would need to be $65.00 per tonne before it would have any impact on how we generate electricity currently.

    That said,how many black roofs do you see in Perth that make airconditioning mandatory?

    White Roofs Could Save U.S. (Much Needed) $735 Million per Year

    Read more: Having White Roofs Would Save the U.S. $735 Million per Year | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building

    Also we should be looking a double glazzing as a given along with cross ventilating windows,theres lots of measures we can look at to reduce our collective carbon footprints,if weve got a mind to.

    A thought provoking thread,that should have been treated with a little more objectivety ,than that displayed by the "usual suspects"

    Whats that old saying Denben?," A wise man somtimes changes his mind,a fool never does".


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