ww3: how it it all works ..., page-3

  1. 3,323 Posts.
    i agree but why?

    The real why the deeper why and where did this madness originate, there are such real answers and they still haunt and create havoc in our world today.

    you're media and church pastor will never give u the answer thank God for the net and the truthseekers.

    It's called the SERPENT SEEDLINE...Halayels DNA and the 13 hybrid interbred familys and more who have kept it's DNA pure, the least contaminated the bluest of the BlueBloods.


    Our free will and a DIVINE PLAN fit in there too.

    Since the recreation of earth and the creation of Adam and Eve, Lucifer has worked behind the scenes directly and indirectly conspiring and working to destroy the Most High's plans. And since Lucifer's initial rebellion, the Lord has allowed it and used Lucifer for His own purposes through it all.
    Isa 45:7 "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."

    It wasn't long after God had created Adam and Eve that Satan would make his move on how to destroy what Yahweh had created. Lucifer, one of the trees of the garden they were commanded to stay away from, seduced Eve and through the child of their union, Cain, the Serpent Seedline of the devil's would begin.

    In Genesis 3:15a He said, "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed." Enmity means mutual hatred. He is saying there is mutual hatred between the seedline of Satan's and the seedline of Eve's. So there are two seedlines. The serpent seed started with Cain and Adam's seed started with Seth. No matter how they have tried to cover it up in the KJV, the Dead Sea Scrolls and even verses such as Gen. 3:15 make it clear that Satan had his own seedline and it started back with Eve.

    Cain, The Serpent's Seed it is alive and thriving today and so are those who are Yahwehs.

    It's a war between good and evil embedded within, a total war GAME on all levels playing out on Earth.

    It's good though to know the outcome makes u wonder why they persist if the victory is already written?


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