‘Unfriend Australia’: PM slams Facebook move to cut off news to the nation, page-6

  1. 6,752 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    I have a Facebook account, I go there 3 times a year.
    I have no interest in seeing what my second cousin and his wife are eating on a weekend away in Wagga.
    To me Facebook serves no purpose beyond making Mark unpronounceable rich.
    Australia is s sovereign nation, a nation where rule of law matters, if Facebook don’t like it POQ.
    Democracy does not play second fiddle to US corporations. Companies like IKEA and Shell Oil pay no tax here so I will treat Facebook the same. If you are not a decent corporate citizens boycott them.
    Cant put BOM up but a nutter in USA gets a spot on Facebook right up until he guns down 12 ppl.
    Sorry facebook my loyalty is to Australia not your right to make a fast dollar.
    Google has the information so who needs Facebook.
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