The only thing we know for sure at this time is that the DOJ has...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 179
    The only thing we know for sure at this time is that the DOJ has brought charges against the Bad Orange Man,

    That's correct. I listed them. There is so much damning evidence as well. A grand jury has seen more than the photos we have seen.

    The grand jury indictment brings 40 felony counts against Trump related to his alleged mishandling of classified documents after his presidency, to which he has pleaded not guilty.[4] The case marks the first federal indictment of a former U.S. president.[5]

    Further the DOJ/White House is refusing to release the tape of the Hur interview to congresss siting Executive Privaledge. How the f*** do you rely on executive privaledge when the “transcript” of the interview has already beeen released, or is it not the full transcript or the transcript does not portray the addled brain pf the interviewee?

    That's been explained. You don't believe it. meh

    Next time you want to yell out “but democracy”

    You have me confused with someone else. Don't distract yourself from what I actually did post.

    just consider what the dems have done over the past few years (with the full cover of the MSM) with regards to the ability to fulfil the duties of the President.

    You mean reporting the strong growth of the American economy? Policies?

    Do you have an actual view as to who is running the White House - is it Jill, or Chicago Jesus or someone else??

    Yes, the same as every Presidency, an administration. Only idiots would try project it'a a one man show, gawd how dumb?
    Trump and Biden might be on the ballots but it's the economy and many other results and policies reasonable voters vote on.
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