“If America Falls, the West Will Fall”, page-12

  1. 10,846 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    "the left has won - the communist takeover of the united states is all but complete - all it needs now is a civil war and their goal is complete."

    What a load of laughable drivel. There is a civil war underway in the US all right , by the billionaires as represented by Trump (and also by the democrats) against all those who actually work for a living. It won't make the slightest difference who wins the midterms, they all defend the status quo.

    The US working class has barely begun to stir as yet but when they do you guy's will have an apoplectic fit. can you imagine 50 million workers like this marching on washington ? Ha ha watch the democrats and republicans run for their lives !
    "We need a union against the union" what a classic.

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