….marijuana now' legal in colorado :) , page-6

  1. 890 Posts.
    First step is to further decriminalise. This will help in freeing up the courts & less locking up & clogging up of our jails with petty dope smokers.

    Nimbin is said to be one of the most visited towns in the country and we all know why & it's not to suck in the fresh air up here lol, yet it’s near impossible to buy naturally grown marijuana up here in the hills. The main street is awash with hydroponically grown marijuana which is nothing more than a dangerous chemical cocktail.

    Why is this so?

    Ask your politicians/police why they are hell bent on driving this potentially valuable industry underground.

    With the police ripping the crops out of the hills each year they are only creating a worse situation and the government should be held accountable for frying the brains of younger smokers with chemically saturated marijuana and mostly due to the government actually helping create this underground industry.

    THC and the hemp plant in general have huge commercial potential with many benefits if used properly and not abused.

    In May of each year we have what’s called MardiGrass here in Nimbin which is a law reform rally which is a very colourful and interesting rally with the main motto being, ‘Free the Weed’.

    This rally brings in a reported 20,000 plus people and many will buy the ‘local produce’ thinking its grown in the area when most of it is more than likely from the hydro growers in the cities. That may sound crazy but it's very true.

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