Even Andrew Bolt doesn't think much of them atm. But he lies...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 827
    Even Andrew Bolt doesn't think much of them atm. But he lies Dave doesn't he?

    "BRENDAN Nelson’s Liberals are a rabble, still saying sorry for the last election instead of fighting the next.

    Proof of that was Monday’s Four Corners report on how the Howard government fell apart, thanks to John Howard’s hubris, Peter Costello’s complaining, and the party’s timidity.

    There was nothing new in this story, and nothing for the Liberals to gain by helping the ABC to rehash it.

    Yet up bobbed senior Liberals—Costello, Alexander Downer, Tony Abbott, Joe Hockey, Nick Minchin, Andrew Robb and Christopher Pyne—to give the ABC plenty of footage for this advertisement of their party’s resentments, weaknesses and deceits.

    I ask those Liberals who showed their sores: what in this show was likely to help you win in 2010?

    But how rudderless the party is, unmanned by an election defeat that was as predictable as the sun rising. "

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