LNC 0.00% 99.5¢ linc energy ltd

Hi Lory, With all due respect it's common sense. 50 day MA is...

  1. 381 Posts.
    Hi Lory,

    With all due respect it's common sense. 50 day MA is

    SP(day 1 + day 2+ day 3......day 50) / 50

    So just think, if the SP has been over a$1.40 90% of the time how can the average be around a $1.18? Its simple maths.

    Anyways I managed to look at my chart, and would like to correct myself. The 50 day MA has not yet crossed the 200 day MA, as I mentioned in my previous post and is still sitting above it. The 50 day MA is around a $1.60 and is making its way downwards. The cross has not happened yet, so the final sell off is yet to come IMO.

    By the way Lory and others, this is my last post before I leave. I might not be able to post anymore. I will be busy doing my last minute packing tomorrow. I will see you guys in 6 months time, hopefully.

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