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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    I read an interesting article today that takes a good hard look at what he calls mob morality. As I read it I thought of the language being used on here by the pro COVID vaxers.

    This is the article for those who have any interest in it

    what seems relevant is his description of the labels being ascribed to those who aren’t in their camp regardless of where they sit on the non vaxer continuum. What I’ve read includes people who feel it has not been through sufficiently rigorous processes, or is still “experimental” with what is now a substantial
    experimental population. I read people who aren’t happy with the sense of being forced or shamed into it. They aren’t happy with the mixed messages on risks or effectiveness. They don’t trust the motives and modus operandi of pharmaceutical companies. They might not like the various additives in vaccines. And so on.

    yet they are lumped into a single group and called disrupters, childish, stupid and so on. They are being lined up for blame if lockdowns and restrictions continue

    this is how you build hate and division. It doesn’t solve the doubt. In fact if feels distinctly like a justification for oppressive policies. yet on other matters these same people are maintaining a liberal stance. It’s an interesting philosophical position
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