(1) War on Gaza. (2) Debunking Jewish & Zionist narrative - miscellaneous, page-357

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    The Palestinian myth explained and analyzed

    Are Palestinian historical claims to the geography a lie?

    “Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive”.(Sir Walter Scott)

    Lies, fiction, false narrative and mythology if told often enough by those with a far-reaching public profile and unconditionally supported by a willing and compliant media create the conditions whereby the uninformed and biased believe in fiction.

    Exposing the mythical narrative and the lies in an effort to seek the truth will make unpalatable reading for the enemies of the Jewish people and the Jewish State of Israel. As a political researcher, activist and Middle East editor of this esteemed publication all I can ask of our readers is to comprehend, check and challenge the content of this article. And thereafter decide for yourselves.

    How is it possible that the facts have been constantly ignored allowing the fiction to spread unchecked, unchallenged and multiply? I shall challenge and expose the myths and divorce the lies from the facts. The truth will astound the ignorant and the bigots.

    Are Palestinian historical claims to the geography a lie?
    Historical evidence is in abundance from travelers, pilgrims, researchers, historians and writers who described and recorded their visits over hundreds of years to the land currently claimed by Palestinian Arabs. Paradoxically a people called Palestinians were never identified within any of those testimonies. Not one scribe through the centuries referred to the existence of an indigenous group called Palestinians. Perhaps they somehow all forgot, connived, determined and decided to purposely ignore and erase from their research those identifying as Palestinians. All however certainly described the existence of Jews in numerous locations, towns and villages such as Shechem, Hevron, Haifa, Safed ,Caesarea, Gaza (yes Gaza), Ramleh, Sidon, Galilee, Kfar Alma and Jerusalem as just a few of many examples of Jewish culture and historical existence.

    Even Napoleon recognized the land as belonging to the Jews without any record or recognition of a Palestinian Arab claim or existence. A few of the many travelling researchers are herewith listed with a selection of their books spanning the period between the fifteenth and twentieth centuries. None make any reference to a group , a race, a people, a tribe , a nation nor a culture referred to as indigenous Palestinian or Filastinian , the Arabic pronunciation.

    Today’s ‘Palestinians ‘ are immigrants who came to the geographical area for the economic benefits brought about by Zionism from the late 19th century as we shall verify beyond reasonable doubt.

    And there is a reason for their nonexistence and it is simply because they are a recent construct invented by those political organizations and Arab countries who sought to eliminate the Jewish State of Israel and deconstruct the geographical area after 1948.
    Last edited by merj: 30/03/24
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